Master Project Management with Efficient Tools for Mac with Raycast.
Optimize Your Workflow with Raycast's Featured Project Management Tools for Mac
List your Airtable bases and follow deep links to specific tables, views, or your base's API docs.
Browse ClickUp tasks from Raycast
Bring Linear to every corner of your Mac. Create, search, and modify your issues. Stay on top of your notifications in the menu bar.
Browse All Our Extensions, Tools, and Integrations to Supercharge Your Project Management Workflow
Search repositories on GitHub and open previously visited ones faster.
Manage and launch codespaces
Search and open JetBrains Toolbox projects
Control Visual Studio Code, Cursor & Codium directly from Raycast - Search and open recent projects, handle extensions and commands.
Check your Todoist tasks and quickly create new ones
Work with issues, pull requests, manage workflows, search repositories and stay on top of notifications
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